Suzuki Book 1, Vlogs

Vlog 4: Completing Suzuki Book 1

Gavotte has been by far the most challenging piece I had to learn. It took me 8 weeks to get to the point where I’m at now. I had to really dedicate my full attention to learning this piece, and in my opinion, it paid off. I believe this piece helped develop a bit more stamina and finger dexterity. I still can’t play the piece at full speed – but that will come with time. Also, I have some details that I need to refine. As always, I will now set this song aside and go back to practicing the song that is due for recording which is song #12 “Etude”.

With what I know now, I can say, that I have officially completed Suzuki Book 1. Yey! So now what? Like I mentioned before, I can now resume my Play Along videos of the songs that I have learned already. If possible, I will take on my first concerto, Opus 11 by Ferdinan Kuchler while practicing my play-along songs. I reviewed the Opus 11 notes briefly and was relieved to see that it will be much easier to learn than Gavotte. So I look forward to that.

I hope I provided a bit of insight of how much patience and dedication it takes to learn a new piece. Believe me, even though it was very challenging, it was also very stimulating and the rewards are priceless. I feel that my brain grew a few more cells and I am a better violinist because of Gavotte.

How long did it take you to complete Book 1? Let me know on Social Media (@ladyandtheviolin) or leave a comment at my YouTube video page above. Also, check out my Patreon page. Your contribution would inspire me to release more useful violin videos that are aimed to inspire self-taught adult violinists.

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